Game Rules Translation 游戏规则翻译
Get Started 开始
1. Start with an empty cup in the middle of the board. This will be named as the Drunk Cup.
从棋盘中间的一个空杯子开始。这将被命名为 "醉酒杯"。
2. Everyone should have their own drink of choice.
3. Roll the dice to start.
*First one who reaches the end "Welcome to Drunk Society" has to finish the Drunk Cup!
*第一个到达 “Welcome to Drunk Society” 的人必须喝完“醉酒杯”!
No. | English | Chinese |
1. |
Cold Start Every player drink 1x |
热身 每位选手喝 1x |
2. |
Ice Breaker Kiss the person to your left or drink 1x |
破冰者 亲吻你左边的人或喝下 1x |
3. |
Age is Just A Number Youngest & oldest drink 1x |
年龄只是一个数字 最年轻和最年长的人喝1x |
4. |
Chinese Bat Whoever has gotten COVID drink 2x |
蝙蝠 谁得到过了COVID的饮料2倍 |
5. |
Refill Fill up the Drunk Cup |
加酒 加酒去中间的醉酒杯 |
6. |
Dicks Guys drink 1x |
屌丝 男人喝1倍 |
7. |
Love 101 Send $1 to your ex or drink 3x |
恋爱101 给你的前任寄1元或喝3x的酒 |
8. |
UBER here Advance 3 steps |
代驾到了 提前3步 |
9. |
Tacobell Drivethru Skip 2 dice rolls |
叫外卖 2轮不用丢骰子 |
10. |
Rebound Text your ex or drink 2x |
回头草 给你的前男友发短信或喝2x |
11. |
Nicki Minaj Twerk for 10s or drink 2x |
大屁股 扭屁股10秒或喝2x |
12. |
Cheapskate Drink 1x if you don't pay for Netflix, give out 2x if you do |
吝啬鬼 如果你不为Netflix付费,就喝1x的酒,如果你有付费,就送2x的酒。 |
13. |
Chicks Girls drink x1 |
辣妹 女生喝1x |
14. |
Kim Jong Un Make a rule |
金正恩 制定一个规则 |
15. |
Double or Nothing Drink double for 3 turns |
双倍 3个回合都要喝双份 |
16. |
OnlyFanz Give out 2x if you have paid for porn |
麻豆 如果你有支付过色情网站的费用,可以给出2x的酒。 |
17. |
PotHead Drink 2x if you have smoked pot before |
泰国吗? 如果你吸过大麻,喝2x的酒 |
18. |
Lap Dance Pick a player to give a lap dance, if the player refuses, both drink 5x |
舞女 挑选一名玩家为其跳性感舞,如果该玩家拒绝,两人都喝5x的酒。 |
19. |
Mating Season Pick a drinking buddy, ends when the game is finished (stackable) |
交配季节 挑选一个酒友,每当你喝,酒友必须陪你喝直到游戏结束(可叠加)。 |
20. |
Karen Ask questions, those who answer drinks 3x |
神经病 随时问问题,谁回答你的问题的人喝3x |
21. |
Landmine Roll the dice, drink x amount of times according to dice number |
地雷 掷骰子,根据骰子号码喝X次。 |
22. |
Dirty Secret If you've hooked up with any players here drink 3x |
不能说的秘密 如果你和这里的任何玩家勾搭上了,请喝3次。 |
23. |
Blowjob Drink 1x without using hands. If you fail, drink 3x |
口爆 不用手的情况下喝1次的酒。如果失败,喝3次 |
24. |
Wizardry Choose a person to advance 2 steps |
巫术 选择一个玩家前进2步 |
25. |
InstaFamous Countdown 3s & take a pic, players not in frame 2x |
网红 倒计时3秒并拍照,不在画面中的玩家喝2次 |
26. |
Steve Sobs Android users drink 1x, Apple users drink 2x |
乔布斯 安卓用户喝1次,苹果用户喝2次 |
27. |
Gun Control Shot gun a beer or down 5 secs of liquor |
干到完 干到完一瓶啤酒或喝下5秒钟的白酒 |
28. |
Democracy Vote a person to drink 3x, if there is a tie, all players drink 1x |
民主社会 3,2,1,一起投票选一个人喝3次的酒,如果票数相同,所有玩家喝1次的酒 |
29. |
Wife Beater Pick a player to be slapped, if the player refuses, both drink 5x |
赏巴掌 选一个人被打耳光,如果该人拒绝,两人都喝5次。 |
30. |
Body Count Lowest & highest body count drink 1x |
百人斩 睡过最少人的,和睡过最多人的,各喝一次 |
31. |
Suns Out, Buns Out Flash your ass or drink 5x |
八月十五来了 漏你的屁股或喝5倍 |
32. |
Risk Taker All players decide on text to be sent, if you refuse, drink 5x |
冒险王 所有玩家决定一个讯息发送的文本,让你发给一个人,如果你拒绝,喝5倍。 |
33. |
Category Choose a category and go clockwise. If the round ends, you drink 2x |
种类 选择一个种类,每个人必须回答。顺时针方向进行。如果这一轮结束,每个人都答对,你自己喝2次 |
34. |
Motorboat Pick a player to motorboat, if the player refuses, both drink 5x |
洗面奶 挑选一个玩家来埋奶,如果该玩家拒绝,两人都喝5次 |
35. |
Red Handed All players to vote for the most likely to get arrested, player drink 3x |
罪犯 所有玩家投票选出最有可能被逮捕的人,玩家喝3倍。 |
36. |
Waterfall Everyone drinks until you stop |
瀑布 每个人都喝,直到你停止! |
37. |
Imposter Everyone drinks half of their cup/drink |
冒牌货 每个人都喝掉他们杯子里/饮料的一半 |
38. |
Hammered All players to vote for the most likely to blackout, player drink 3x |
酗酒 所有玩家投票选出最可能醉倒的人,玩家喝3次。 |
39. |
Harry Potter Swap 2 players' board placements (excluding yourself) |
哈利波特 调换2名玩家的棋盘位置(不包括自己) |
40. |
Stripper Take off a piece of clothing or drink 5x |
脱衣舞者 脱掉一件衣服或喝酒 5次 |
41. |
Danger Zone Take a dare & move back 5 spaces, or drink 5x |
危险区 接受其他人发出的一个挑战并向后退5步,或喝5次的酒并保持原位。 |
42. |
Street Beef Rock, paper, scissors with a player of choice, if you win, swap places |
街头单挑 与选择的玩家进行石头、剪子、布的比赛,如果你赢了,就可以和他交换位置。 |
43. |
Kamikaze Choose a player to advance 6 steps |
神风特攻队 选择一个玩家前进6步 |
44. |
Time Machine Drink 3x & skip a turn |
时间机器 喝酒3次,并跳过一个回合 |
45. |
Comeback Roll the dice & move back no. of places accordingly |
归来 掷骰子,并相应地后退若干位。 |